The Assynt slope proved its worth again, but became pretty blustery by the close, and the landing was as usual a little fraught.
A few days later and it was time to maiden the Bidule, with its MVVS 33 up front, twin tails and astonishing low speed manoeuvrability, even with full flaps.
But any plane will find it hard to land if one wheel is missing as, on take off, a large black round thing was seen to plummet from the undercarriage. Cheap Chinese crap which could have killed a £1,200 plane.
After twenty minutes of aerobatics (seemed a shame to curtail the flight if the landing was going to spell its demise) it was time to bring it in on two out of three wheels. No photos, as I was not keen to witness carnage.
No need to worry; the air commodore brought her in text book, full flaps, cut the engine just before touchdown, and brought the Bidule to a perfect stop.
And, rather than sell it (he's like that with new toys), that flight convinced him that this is one plane to keep and fly the pants off, and maybe do some aerotowing one day.
However, for those wanting a bargain, we do have a pristine Mini Vector for sale at offers over £200. It is fully equipped and ready to fly on 35Mhz. See eBay for more details.